Kohawk spirit was at an all time high this past week since it was Homecoming! There were activities during the week and campus got busy Friday and Saturday as alumni came to campus to reconnect and remember.
L to R: Whitney, Alison C., Heidi, and me |
Kohawk spirit was at an all time high this past week since it was Homecoming! There were activities during the week and campus got busy Friday and Saturday as alumni came to campus to reconnect and remember.
L to R: Whitney, Alison C., Heidi, and me |
Today during my shift at Admission, I escorted the nicest boy to a chemistry class. He looked familiar and I found out he toured during Iowa's Private College Week. As we walked to his class, he talked about he had visited a bunch of schools over the summer and then was coming back to the ones he liked the most. So Coe made his short list! Yeah!
The reason I'm sharing this story is because I want you, yes you prospective student, to come to campus and see what Coe is all about. Find out if Coe should be on your short list (I mean, it probably should)! And, a perfect opportunity to see Coe is actually next Saturday, October 6th for our first Fall Campus Visit Day.
During your vist you can go on tour, meet current students, ask them as many questions as you can think of and start to discover Coe! Also, there is a home football game next week so if you're interested in watching some football and seeing our awesome Kohawk spirit, you have to come.
Register here! It's that simple.
Hope to see you soon! :)
Well, this lovely photo is of your Writing Center consultant of the week! Me!
Ha. I thought I might make a weekly recap; it seems like the best way to stay on track with my busy schedule and whatnot!
So Monday marked my crowning at our Writing Center staff meeting. I was nominated because "I'm wonderful."
Aw thanks. But seriously, I love the Writing Center, symbolized by the amount of time I spend in that place. Currently, I'm using one of the Writing Center computers (it's a fancy touch screen one) to write this post. When I strolled into the WC one of my fellow consultants said, "Oh you're back?" I had seen him earlier in the day when I stopped by to do a little bit of homework between classes and meetings. My reply was, "You always come back."
It's true.
My week flew by with classes, homework, meetings, and other odds and ends. It's Homecoming week here so campus is a buzz with excitement.
So needless to say, I've been keeping myself busy. I try to swim once a day and on Tuesday I tried out one of the free fitness classes. It was awesome and I definitely plan to try it again. I'm active and learning a lot.
Of course, I need breaks too. Last night, post Senate, Alison W. and I had a little off campus adventure. She took me to a nature trail/spot a little ways out. It was beautiful and it was a nice night. We just sat on some blankets, talked, and relaxed. It was exactly what I needed; it slowed me down, let me figure out what I needed to do, and come back to campus reenergized.
More going on tonight; going to a fiction reader from a Coe alum and then Kohawk Rock (a talent show for the members of Homecoming court to show off their talents). Should be fun.
Labels: activities off campus, busy week, classes, junior year, recap, weekday fun, writing center
On Saturday, Student Senate hosted our first Organization Conference. We wanted to gather as many campus leaders as we could to spend part of a day learning about how to be an effective leader as well as passing on important information as a new semester begins. The Senate Executive Board, below, was fired up for a fun day!
L to R: Hayden (Communications), myself (Treasurer), Anna (President), Max (Vice President), and Christina (Recording Secretary) |
Last Wednesday, senators convened for the first Student Senate meeting of the fall 2012 semester. Elections had happened the week before and it was nice to see some new faces in the Lynch room. Anna and Max have some big plans for the upcoming semester and I am excited to get some treasurer items rolling.
The first item of business was to elect a chairperson, the person who runs our meetings. Once we did that, the executive board introduced themselves and explained our roles. Hopefully this week my Budget and Finance Committee will be able to meet and get started on allocating some money!
The next big item on Senate's agenda is our Organization Conference on Saturday. All the campus leaders will be meeting to discuss ways to improve their clubs and keep interest going throughout the semester. We are bringing in a motivational speaker and providing lunch. It should be fun.
Glad Senate is back and I'm ready for another great semester of working with clubs and helping them do the things they want to do!
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Picture from Indiana University |
As I mentioned earlier, I'm part of the Presidential Search Committee. This past weekend, I was in Chicago helping conduct interviews.
I can't tell you much, but it was a successful weekend.
What I can say, is that this has been an incredible opportunity. The people I've met and gotten to know through this process are fantastic and I'm lucky to have met them. The committee is composed of Coe faculty, staff, and trustees along with Max and I. To hear from the trustees, all who graduated from Coe, and what their experiences have been has been so interesting. They all have great stories to tell. This weekend has renewed my love of Coe; I was reminded once again what a fantastic college I attend and the quality of the education I am receiving.
I am so lucky to have the opportunity to take part in this experience. It's not often that a college choses a new president and to be able to proudly say I helped to chose the new president of Coe is pretty amazing.