This is it. The final post. There are some days when I want to go back four years and find a younger Hailley just beginning to explore campus. If I could tell her one thing, I would say, "Be patient. Good things are headed your way."
I've thought all summer about how I would write this final blog post. Sentences ran through my mind and I brainstormed hundreds of ways to start and end this post and this blog. But how on earth do I write about four incredible years in a couple hundred of words? It seems nearly impossible.
Coe gave the opportunity to do incredible things. It provided an environment I could thrive in, and an environment where I could grow and change. Throughout the entire transformation process, I was surrounded by people who cared about me. These people pushed me to be the best version of myself every day and also were not afraid to provide constructive criticism. They listened to my ideas, fueled my motivation and passion, and collaborated with me. I wouldn't be where I am today without the Kohawk family.
I learned in and out of the classroom; I had all these places on campus to learn. My academic life was intertwined with my extra-curricular life. Skills I acquired in the classroom translated to my leadership roles in a wide variety of clubs (and vice versa). My ability to be a leader on campus helped me be ready for all my off campus adventures -- Writing Center conferences across the United States, three May Terms, and four incredible months in New York City. As people not from Coe heard about my experiences on campus, they were amazed time after time. Coe had made it possible for my various adventures to occur and all I had to do was capitalize on the opportunities they placed in front of me.
And while I had so many good times, I also had struggles. However, whether it was stress, overcommitment, family illness, college drama, or just an off day, Coe was there to help me. A friendly smile on the walk to class, a passionate meeting with a professor on an upcoming paper topic, or an unexpected coffee date with a friend I hadn't chatted with in a while always reminded me of who I was and how I could push through, no matter what was going on in my life. I am coming to graduate school with a support system that is powerful and strong. I have thousands good memories too (don't you worry) from late nights in the Writing Center, to muffin making adventures with Millie, to running around Cedar Rapids, and even to just going to events on campus.
I remember coming to campus with this energy and excitement for the things to come. College was a whole new ball game and I was ready to step up to the plate. And I am leaving Coe feeling the same way -- excited for the next adventure in graduate school. Coe allowed me the space to become an integral part of a community whose mission is to see you passionate about something you care about and to see you succeed. I was able to make a difference, to be a mover and shaker, and I can't thank Coe enough for that.
So with that, Kohawk Talk by Hailley is coming to a close. Just because I won't publish any new posts doesn't mean you can't look back and see what I did. The blog won't go away. And don't worry, I can't stop blogging just yet. Follow me on my new blog for graduate school, apptly titled #LibraryScience. It's on the blog platform Tumblr, which allows me to reblog items related to the library science field for a more professional/personal blog all rolled into one.
A big shout out to the Kohawk Nation. Thank you for everything and I can't wait to see you all again soon!
Final Reflections: Four Years Later
The Final Day in Admissions
When I introduced myself on summer tours, I was always quick to add that I had been working in the Admission Office since 2011. When a father asked me how many tours I had given, it took me a moment to realize I had no good idea. For me, working in Admissions had become a way of life. Something I did and something I enjoyed. There's nothing better than getting back from a tour knowing that you showed a prospective student your Coe and that they found that Coe exciting and a place they could also see themselves at.
Labels: admissions, life after graduation, summer 2014
The Third Year: IPCW 2014 Edition
On Friday afternoon as the tour groups headed to the cafeteria for ice cream, I smiled knowing I had completed my thirtieth Iowa Private College Week (IPCW) session. Well, thirty one, if you count the Friday afternoon session five years ago when I first visited Coe. For me, the week begun on Sunday, as we prepped our student workers and set up places like Kesler Auditorium, where the panel was going to be held.
This week, in comparison to the other two years where I've helped with the program, was the busiest. The funny part was, I didn't even give too many tours; I spent a lot of time checking in with others and making sure things were running smoothly. Yet, day after day, I left my apartment around a quarter to 8 AM and didn't return until well after 5 PM. Lots of coffee was needed. And doughnuts.
The busiest week was also extremely successful. Having done the program two times before, I knew the drill. I was confident in our #StudentTakeover theme and was proud of all the hard work myself, my co-worker Alex, my peers, and the rest of the Admission staff had put into the planning and preparation of this week.

I think I've recovered from the week and am ready for the FINAL (yes final) week at Coe. Have three days left in Admissions, then a day of packing and then a day of moving to graduate school. It's so crazy to think summer has just flown by so quickly. In addition, I only have a few posts left on this blog, another indication of how fast time moves.
We chose Coe, will you?
Watch this.
Now, imagine this: Hailley walks into work on a Monday after spending some quality time in Wisconsin. On her two and a half hour drive back, her mind is reeling in stop motion clips, trying to figure out the "plot" of the second video. By the time she pulled into Coe's parking lot, the top 40 radio station blaring (classic Hailley move), the only shot she has in her mind is the final one. She imagines a golf cart, full of Coe students. They are making one statement, We chose Coe. But instead of ending it there, they challenge the viewer with the question, Will you? The golf cart pulls away, the "bump, bump, bump" of the stop motion as the image fades to black.
With that shot in mind, Hailley brainstormed the rest of the video with her coworker Alex and the other Admission staff members. Finally, a plot comes together.
The rest is history.
Okay, so not really, but it was the only way I could get out of the third person. But seriously, that's how the second promotional IPCW video began. With an idea in the car as I sang along to music I exclusively listen to while I'm driving because I love to sing.
The day we took photos for the majority of the video, was probably one of my all time favorite days in the office. We bopped around campus in that golf cart and shot the scene I pictured some perfectly in my head. It was also a beautiful, non traditional July day, so the weather was definitely rooting for us.
I love this video. One of my best I think, for all sorts of reasons. All and all, I think it captures Coe. It captures the things we are proud of, such as our location, strong and challenging academics (how many books do you bet were mine!?!), and the Kohawk family that is second to none. It captures Coe's quirkiness, our ability to stand out and shine. It captures the spirit of Kohawks, about how we come from all over the place, but once on campus, we're a family.
Moral of the story: sign up for Iowa Private College Week. You won't want to miss this week.
A Weekend of Working Out!
Another weekend came and went, and this one was one active weekend. While I wasn't exploring downtown Cedar Rapids, I did get a chance to put my legs to work!
Saturday was a beautiful day. The sun was out and the humidity was low. My friend Mariah and I went on a bike ride. Our destination was Ely, which, round trip ended up being about 20 miles. The trail was relatively flat and I had never been on that part of the trail before, so that was exciting. When we arrived in Ely, we went for a cup of coffee at The Retreat, a fairly new coffeeshop.