Capitol |
Hey everyone!
Coe College Writing Center (not all of us, just the 35 of us who went) |
Right now as I'm writing this I'm sitting outside on the quad near the library enjoying the uncommonly beautiful November day. All the trees around me are changing colors and some of their leave have fallen or are about to fall. It's nice to be back on campus and enjoy this weather. I said back on campus because only one week ago, I was headed on a train to Baltimore, Maryland for an nationwide Writing Center conference. I think I've talked a bit about Coe's Writing Center but to recap, it's a place at Coe where students can come in with their papers (at any stage of the writing process) and consultants, such as myself, will help them make the paper better. There are college writing centers across the United States and each year they like to come together to share ideas, discuss their practices and make new friends. This year the conference was in Baltimore and I got to come along.
The harbor |
Me at the Capitol |
The trip was a blast; we left last Tuesday from Coe and returned last Sunday night. We took vans to Chicago, a train from Chicago to Washington D.C., spent half a day in D.C. and then took another train to Baltimore. The conference was three days and we got to explore the city along the way. Any good trip isn't complete without good food and we certainly had that as well: Indian, Thai and seafood were our big three. In Washington D.C., my friends and I racked in seven miles in only four hours and saw all the necessities of D.C.: the capitol, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial and the White House. In Baltimore we really enjoyed the harbor and spent a good amount of time there, shopping and wandering about. It was a fabulous trip (as you can probably tell from the pictures I've included) and I'm glad I had the opportunity to do this through Coe and the Writing Center.
Some Writing Center consultants shopping it up |
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