
Glad to be BACK

Hello readers! I've returned to Cedar Rapids and man, does it feel good!

Yesterday, my dad, sister, and I made the trek to Coe just in time to see graduation. Mother Nature decided to only be windy yesterday so while it was a little chilly, the ceremony could still be outside, which was nice. So great to see so many familiar faces and many of them moving onto go do amazing things. Later that afternoon, I was able to move into some temporary summer housing since I'm taking off for Europe on Wednesday. Lucky for me, I get to stay in the same apartment I lived in this fall.

Today I had my first May Term class with our professor and the nine other students. It was a good first class and I'm ready to take off for Europe. Also made an appearance in Admissions and cannot wait to be there full time this summer!

More to come later this week! Get ready for another Hailley adventure!!!