Hey everyone!

Well, this is my first blog post, whoo! My name is Hailley and I'm part of Coe's class of 2014. I am from Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin, a city of about 6,900 people. Mt. Horeb has a deep Norwegian heritage and a love of trolls (we are the Troll Capital of the world you know) and roundabouts. We are also about twenty minutes west of Madison, Wisconsin which is very nice. In Mt. Horeb I live with my parents, a brother, Aaron, who's a junior in high school and a sister, Hannah, who's in eighth grade. I attended Mt. Horeb High School, (home of the Vikings!) and my graduating class had 185 students. Overall, my high school had a little under 800 students. At my high school I was really active participating in Student Council, National Honor Society, forensics (public speaking), volleyball, band (played the clarinet), choir and a whole bunch of other stuff. High school was a lot fun for me but at the same time I was psyched to go to college. Outside of school I held a job shelving books at our public library (by the way, I ADORE books, reading and writing). Some other stuff I like to do include, watching and or making movies, helping my little sister and her teammates play volleyball, watching my brother play soccer, riding bikes, going on walks, hanging out with my friends, ice skating, having International Dinner (making food from other countries) with my friends, and baking (especially cookies!).
So how did I, a girl from Mt. Horeb end up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa? Well you'll just have to wait for my next post to find out!
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