Hey hey!
So I feel I should fill you in on what happened during my Orientation Week. It was a long week, filled with so much to do and learn. But instead of giving you a play by play, I'm going to sum it up into the top 14 facts/details/events (in no particular order) about the week since I am part of the class of 2014! Enjoy! :)
1. Meeting my FYS (First Year Seminar Group) classmates and my CAP (College Adjustment Peer) leader.
2. Dragon Boat Racing
3. Late Night Ice Skating

5. Day of Community Service
6. Target run for dorm items I had forgotten!
7. The mad rush to sign up for classes
8. Convocation
9. All Halls Ice Cream Social
10. Frederick Winters; Hypnotist. Let me tell you some of the people who were hypnotized were CRAZY but that made it hilarious!
11. International Roommate Workshop (I got to meet a lot of the international students)
12. Eating dessert with President Phifer and touring his AMAZING house
13. Playing beach volleyball and enjoying the sun and water at Pleasant Creek State Park
14. Moving In Day Skits with our CAP groups
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