200th Post
Labels: 200th post, a post, celebration
Back on Campus! Busy Week Ahead!
Well, as lovely as Thanksgiving Break was, it had to end. I got back on campus this afternoon, unpacked, and am currently at the library, studying and preparing for the week. We are in the final stretch of first semester -- two weeks of class left and then finals. Gosh! Where did the semester go? This week is going to be busy for me; I'll be working on papers, projects, and other general homework. And on Saturday is Budget and Finance Day. It's going to be a long day since we are reviewing budgets for every club on campus. So not only am I doing homework for this upcoming week, I will also be attempting to stay ahead of the eight ball since my entire Saturday will be spent in Stuart with club presidents and treasurers and their budgets.
Got to love the end of the semester!
Labels: back to campus, daily life, end of semester, final push, sophomore year
Thanksgiving Break!
This post is from Wisconsin! It's Thanksgiving Break and I'm home! It's nice to come back and take a few days off. Don't worry, I still have homework to keep me busy! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the time with family and friends!
- Hailley
Labels: a post, break, thanksgiving break
Scholars Program (aka the Honors Progam)
Once Honors Composition is taken, then you have six semesters to take four other honors classes. These classes have broad subject headings but each semester, the topic of the class and the professor who teaches it changes. For instance, this semester I'm taking the Style in the Arts Honors class and it's all about Barcelona. The professor is actually a native from the area and it's fun to hear her talk about her home country. She's actually headed back to Spain this weekend for a conference. Next semester I've enrolled to take a class about Tibet taught by our new anthropology professor.
A neat thing about this program is that once you've taken Honors Composition, your class will consist of students sophomore through senior. It's a nice way to meet other students. You know these students have that extra level of dedication to school and it's a fun environment to learn in.
Labels: classes, honors, honors composition, scholar's program
Making Your Door Your Own
Throughout the school year, your dorm room evolves from just some space with your stuff in it, to your own room. Because it's your home, you start adding posters, pictures, notes, cards -- basically anything that gives your home personality. In the residence halls, doors are also popular to decorate. On Thursday night Heidi and I took a study break and added some more decorations to our door. We already had the collages I made for us last year, a whiteboard for messages, and some origami stars (because I did a lot of origami this summer). It was an adorable door but more could be done. We ended up coloring Disney Princess pictures, adding a few quotes, making new name signs with where we lived and adding a larger 602 (our room number). And boy, did they turn out great! It was good roommate bonding time and a lovely study break!
Shakespearean Humor, Attempting to Ice Skate Backwards, and a Roaring Game of Monopoly
Needless to say from the title of this post, I had a great Friday night.
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Ian and Satchel as Viola and Olivia, respectively. Photo from Coe's website. |
The next part of my night consisted of going to the Cedar Rapids Ice Arena for free late night ice skating (sponsored by SAC). If you don't already know this about me, I LOVE TO ICE SKATE. I even brought my skates from home! I was pumped and had been waiting for this event all week. There were a fair amount of Coe students there and we had an awesome time. I didn't even fall down! We also got a small show from my friend Nicki, who has been ice skating since she was a little kid. Nicki teaches ice skating so she spent some of her time trying to help us skate backwards and spin. I made progress!
Unfortunately, ice skating had to end sometime, so my friends and I ended up grabbing my game of Monopoly (thank you Mom and Dad for the birthday gift, it's being put to good use!) and tried our luck at nabbing the four railroads and Boardwalk. I didn't do too well, ended up in jail on my first trip around the board, but it was still fun. Once we deemed the game over, it was almost 2 AM so we all decided sleep was probably a good idea.
Probably one of my favorite Friday nights here at Coe. :)
Putting Together the Coe Review
Last night I spent a few hours in Hickok helping put the Coe Review together. We read all our poetry submissions, picked out the very best, and assembled the order last night. The cover has been completed and just this morning, all the poems were scanned into Adobe Design. That means our issue is that much closer to publication! Now begins the process of sending it to the printer, receiving a proof back, editing it for any mistakes, returning it to the printer and having around 300 copies published. There will be a release party in December to celebrate the issue and any Coe students featured in the publication will have the opportunity to read their poems! This is always a neat part of putting together the Coe Review -- suddenly all these poems come together in a blink of an eye, we have a publication. It's exciting and rewarding.
Labels: clubs, coe review, literary publication, poetry, sophomore year
Fall Band Concert
After a successful campus visit day, I also had a band concert to play in. It was our annual Fall Concert which we split with the Jazz Band.
This semester Dr. Carson, who usually directs the Concert Band, is on sabbatical. His substitute is Earl Dickinson, a former, but now retired, Coe professor. Mr. Dickinson picked out some really interesting and complicated pieces of music that we played on Saturday night. We played five songs, and our lips were definitely sore by the last song. I even had a small eight measure solo in one of the pieces. The solo went well and then I got to stand up as a soloist at the conclusion of the piece. I was quite proud of my overall performance and the performance by the entire Concert Band.
There was a short intermission after we played so the Jazz Band could be set up. The Jazz Band also played five songs and I was thoroughly impressed by the solos from multiple members of the ensemble. I love listening to jazz music, so it was lovely way to end the concert.
Since we did such a nice job on Saturday, I don't have band rehearsal today; the extra hour and a half will be greatly appreciated. Starting on Wednesday, the students in the conducting class will be coming in to work on their conducting skills. This is a pretty low key rehearsal and we try to help out our peers as much as we can.
Labels: band, fall concert, jazz band, music, saturday night, sophomore year, weekend activities, weekend fun
Campus Visit Day
This past Saturday, we had over 200 people visit Coe's campus for our November Visit Day. I started my morning off early (I had to be ready to go at the library by 8 AM). After a quick pep talk, I headed up to the Perrine Gallery to man the College Scholar's Program Table (this is Coe's Honors Program). David Nordmann, the director of the Scholar's Program, was also there and we spent an hour talking to prospective students about the program. I will do a post all about the Scholar's Program in the upcoming week.
After chatting, we had another pep talk while the families were in Cherry Auditorium listening to a student panel. Then it was time for tours. I showed four students and their families Coe's campus and told them all about the neat things they can do here. The tour went well and I hope the families had an enjoyable time.
Once the tour was over, I helped out Natalie and Josh (two Admission counselors) with an informational session. I got to talk about my Coe experience and some of my favorite parts of Coe. That was fun and I was glad I was able to share my love of Coe with even more prospective students.
To any prospective students who attended Campus Visit Day -- I hope you had a wonderful time. And I hope to see you back on campus soon! If you have any questions, feel free to post comments here and I'll answer them for you.
An Eventful Friday Night with Music and Fun!
Boy, was my Friday night busy! It started off with Tonic Sol Fa, an acapella music group. It was part of the Marquis Series and they sang to a pretty full Sinclair Auditorium. It was a nice mixture of cover songs and original songs; you should definitely check them out if you haven't already!
After their performance, it was back to Murray for a game night. Heidi and I invited some friends over and we ended up playing Catch Phrase for a while. It got pretty intense at times and in the end, under pressure, we said some silly things. But that's okay, it was a lot of fun! It was nice to hang out with my friends since I've been so busy I haven't seen them as frequently as I would like to.
To end the night, we all piled into cars and went bowling! SAC was sponsoring free midnight bowling and who wouldn't take them up on their offer? Somehow, the bowling gods were smiling upon me and in my first game, I bowled a 145! WOAH. I think that's a new personal best. The second game didn't go nearly as well, but I did manage to crack 100 (that counts for something, right?).
Recital Hour
On Thursday, I attended my first ever Recital Hour. This hour is for music majors and throughout the semester, they have to perform at least once. The piece they play is something different than the piece they play for their jury. It's sort of a big deal.
My friend and fellow clarinet player, Elise, was performing on Thursday so I made sure to be in Marquis to hear her play. She did a FANTASTIC job and she's really my peer role model; I hope to play the clarinet as well as her someday. Also, unknown to me, some of my other friends were performing as well so it was nice to be able to hear them.
Labels: clarinet lessons, music, recital hour, sophomore year, weekday fun
Reaffirming My English Major
Just Plugging Along
Readers, I feel so boring right now. Usually I have lots of exciting things to talk about. But right now, I'm in a groove. The semester has finally evened out and I'm staying on top of homework, readings, papers, and other things. I'm actively involved in multiple groups on campus and they are going swimmingly. Things gear up in the second half of the week. Here are some big events I have to look forward to:
- My friend Elise, a clarinet player, is performing in Recital Hour on Thursday. Recital Hour is required for music majors and everyone has to have at least one performance a semester. This is a big deal because each studio (the professor teaching lessons) wants to show off their students and all their talent. It's also a way to show your fellow peers your skills. I couldn't go to any Recital Hours last year because I always had schedule conflicts. This year, I'm free so I'll be there to support Elise!
- Tonic Sol Fa is coming on Friday night. It should be a good performance.
- There's another Campus Visit Day on Saturday. I'll mingle with families and lead a tour.
- The final football game is also on Saturday versus Cornell College.
- I'll be playing in the fall band concert on Saturday night. The Concert Band plays along with the Jazz Band. I'm really excited for the music Concert Band is playing; I've spent several hours working on my part and I'm proud of my progress.
Labels: coming soon, daily life, sophomore year, weekday fun
My First Blindspot Performance!
So I did it! I performed at Blindspot. I was a little nervous, not going to lie. But I was performing with Alison (it was also her first Blindspot performance) so I knew we would be awesome.
We were the eighth act of the night. Our act was simple: a five minute retelling of Beowulf. A little back story on this selection. Alison and I are both taking History of English Literature this semester. I'm taking it as part of my English major and Alison is just taking it because the class sounded interesting. Melissa Sodeman is our professor and she is FANTASTIC. We have great discussions and I look at Renaissance poetry and sonnet sequences in a whole new way. And I'm totally fine with that. But back to the story. The first thing we read out of our giant (and I mean GIANT) textbook was Beowulf. I had read Beowulf this summer and reading it a second time was even better. Alison and I kind of attached ourselves to this epic poem. We loved it so much that we thought, "What a fun act in Blindspot!" And boy, did we have a good time with it. My friend Anna taped it so enjoy the clip! Alison and I definitely plan to make another appearance on Blindspot, hopefully with some sonnets in hand.
I was so so so glad I performed tonight. I love telling stories. I love sweeping hand gestures, dramatic pauses, funny faces, and oh so much sarcasm. And I love telling those "classic" stories but with a modern twist. What a great Friday night.
Busy Weekend Ahead!
Well, somehow it's Friday again. My week has FLOWN by. This weekend is going to be busy for several reasons. The first and foremost reason is that it's Family Weekend here at Coe. So there will be lots of parents on campus catching up with their kids and doing family things together. I myself won't be on campus this weekend but instead be traveling back to Wisconsin to see my family. My brother, Aaron, and my sister, Hannah, are both in Mt. Horeb High School's production of Seussical this weekend. Instead of being on campus familyless, I'll be with my family off campus. But I will be here tonight and it's going to be a fun one.
- We've got a Mind Reader coming to the PUB.
- There's a Blindspot (and I'm performing with Alison P!)
- There's a Midnight movie.
- Play in a Day begins (sponsored by Offstage Players. A writer writes a play, someone directs it, and there are actors acting. Performances happen tomorrow night).
Busy right? Hopefully I'll have someone capture my first Blindspot experience on tape and I'll post it here! :)
Another Busy Week
Hey there readers!
Well, this week is a pretty normal week. Class, homework, and various meetings at night for clubs and classes. My planner is filling up! The exciting thing I've done this week is talk to my advisor, Gina Hausknecht, about my schedule for next semester. I'm not entirely set on the classes I'll be taking but Gina and I plotted out potentials and then looked ahead to the other semesters I'll be on campus. It was a great advising meeting and it was nice catching up with Gina since I don't have a class with her this semester.
But yeah, sorry I don't have something super exciting to share with you. It's Family Weekend starting Friday so I'll have some updates about that later in the week.
Happy Wednesday! :)
Labels: daily life, sophomore year