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Ann with her cake |
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The Coe Review Staff |
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Ann with her cake |
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The Coe Review Staff |
So bright and early on Saturday morning I took my History of English Literature final. It went really well and then I headed back to Murray to finish some last minute packing. Alison P. and I loaded up the car and had a celebratory brunch at The Breakfast House Cafe. The stuffed french toast was AMAZING.
After a lovely brunch, it was time to hit the road and return to Wisconsin. Goodbye Coe and Cedar Rapids, I will return in three weeks!
Although I'm on break, that doesn't mean my blog will be on break. I'm planning on doing an overview of the First Year Seminar (FYS) program as well as putting some new features on my blog. Stay tuned!
Happy holidays! Glad you're reading my blog.
Labels: end of semester, final push, finals, heading home, sophomore year, winter break
After a long day of finals, I needed a break before I continued to study for my History of English Literature final. I had a conference at the Writing Center with my friend, Rina. We've been having lots of conferences this semester and she's probably one of my favorite people to conference with. She is always super enthusiastic about her papers and wants to do everything in her power to make them better. Then fellow blogger Ryan Rey and I had a blogging party and I helped him figure his way on Blogger. He's working on being a better blogger. I ended my night with another round of Ultimate.
Today I've got studying to do along with laundry and packing. I can't believe I'm almost done with my first semester of my sophomore year!
So if you remember from last year, the Writing Center had its holiday party and we had a gingerbread competition. This year, we grabbed our graham crackers again for Round Two. Our gingerbread house had a theme this year: BEOWULF. Yes, Beowulf. If you haven't figured it out, I love Beowulf. A lot. And with Alison P. on my team, Beowulf had to be done. So we created Heorot, the mead hall Beowulf arrives at to defeat Grendel. We even made mead benches! Hehehe :) Our hard work paid off and we won Best Gingerbread House Construction. Check out the picture!
My finals schedule moved around a bit and I ended up taking my Introduction to Psychology exam this morning at 8. It went really well; I will most definitely miss the class next semester.
I work in Admissions for the final time this semester later today and then I've got my Cultural Studies final exam at 2 PM. I can breath on Friday and prepare for History of English Literature (which I'm taking on Saturday). I also need to start packing, do last minute laundry and say goodbye to my friends who are leaving anytime from this afternoon to Sunday. I'm ready for break.
More updates later this week!
Another big accomplishment for my blog. Get ready for it! 10,000 pageviews. Basically that means that my blog has been viewed 10,000 times. WOAH.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This is such a wonderful way to start my finals week.
Labels: 10000 views, big accomplishment, blog
Yesterday was a super busy and productive day. It started out with my trekking over to the Writing Center to work on my portfolio for Cultural Studies. Two hours later, I turned in my copy to Dr. Bob. Then it was off to Admissions for work. Once my shift was over, I went to Brewed for my final meeting with my Writing Fellows. It was a bittersweet meeting. Sad in the fact that I won't meet with them again (because I did enjoy working with them) but nice at the same time because I'll be back to working regular hours in the Writing Center next semester. From Brewed it was to the PUB for the Coe Review Publication Release Event. It went super super super well. I'll blog more about that later, I promise. Our floor had a pizza party for dinner and it was nice catching up with the girls and eating pizza of course. Psychology was studied later that night in Stuart with my tutee and his friend. We got a lot of good studying done. My night finished with two hours of Ultimate -- a perfect way to unwind.
Labels: final push, finals, preparing for finals, reading day, sophomore year
Well, today is the last day of classes for this fall semester. Tomorrow is Reading Day (aka a day full of studying) and finals officially start on Wednesday. Here's what my week looks like.
- Clarinet jury
- Work in Admissions
- Meet for the last time with my Writing Fellows
- Coe Review Publication Release
- Work in Admissions
- Studying
- Work in Admissions
- Cultural Studies final exam
- Cultural Studies Portfolio due
- Psychology final exam
- History of English Literature final exam
- Go back to Wisconsin for Winter Break!
I'm going to be busy. But once it's over, it's time for Winter Break! :)
So it was our last official Friday on campus! I had class, worked in Admissions for an hour, had my last clarinet seminar and attended a going away party for our poetry professor, Ann Struthers. My night continued with a trip to Coffeesmiths with my friend Whitney. She's a wonderful girl and super involved on campus. I met her for the first time when I visited Coe during Scholarship Weekend. Now, we've bonded over working together on the Budget and Finance Committee (she's the Treasurer) and we get along great. At Coffeesmiths we did some homework, did some talking, and just unwound from a busy (and at times, stressful) week.
Whitney and I arrived back on campus just in time for this semester's final Blindspot. It was a long (but fun) Blindspot with a few students graduating at semester doing their farewell performances. We also had a guy ask out a girl so that was sort of (okay, I'm not going to lie, it was really, really, really) adorable. :) We ended Blindspot with a Finals Dance (aka everyone got out of their seats and started dancing). Lovely.
Now, it's time to study and get ready for Finals Week!
Well hey there readers!
Today was my last busy Wednesday! I had class, worked in Admissions, had more class, had a chunk of time where I caught up with my mom, tutored my tutee in Psychology, went to the final Senate meeting of the semester, and then went to the final band of the fall. Now I'm in the Writing Center working on some of my response papers due later this week. It's hard to believe that in a week from today, finals will start.
Sorry for the short post, homework is calling my name!
Well hey there readers!
This post is coming from the Stuart Hall computer lab. We are on a quick five minute break. Starting bright and early at 8 AM, we began reviewing budgets. After lunch, we moved to trips. It's been a long day and I'm happy it's almost over. As usual, not everyone got the money they wanted but that's how things work. Lots of good discussion has occurred and all in all, it's been a successful day.
Planning on catching up on homework tonight. Wish me luck!
Hard to believe it.
This week has literally FLOWN by. I don't know where my days have gone.
I've been super busy with classes, homework, meetings, and other random activities.
Tomorrow is Budget and Finance day. It will be intense and long. But it will be all right, all the clubs will get money and I'm excited to see what the clubs have planned for this upcoming semester.
On Sunday I will do lots of homework and prepare for the last full week of classes.
And then I will post more often, about more things, and hopefully include pictures and whatnot.
Labels: a day in the life, a post, busy week, daily life