Our apartment decided it would be nice to have a roomie dinner this week. Not only did we want to cook and chat, we also wanted to go over basic apartment rules and discuss cleaning jobs and schedules. Tuesday night was deemed "Apartment Dinner Night," and boy, did we have a good time.
When we all got back to the apartment after our various day activities, we headed to Target to pick up supplies. Anna and Hayleigh were in charge of the main dish and a small side dish while Millie and I were in charge of a salad and dessert. We split up, picked up our ingredients and then headed back to campus.
Dinner was delicious. We were all cute; laying out plates and drinking raspberry lemonade out of mason jars. Millie and I also made name tags, not because we don't know each other's name, but because we simply wanted to craft. After our make your own salad, we ate mozzarella sticks and stuffed peppers. Dessert was a sponge cake with chocolate pudding, a strawberry, and a piece of Dove dark chocolate. See photos below:
Salad |
Main course
Dessert |
It was such a nice way to end Tuesday night. It was good to catch up with my roommates and to make a meal together. I'm looking forward to more meals like this and once again, I was reminded that this summer is going to be pretty fantastic!
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