Well, I can't believe I'm saying this but today was our last day in Grasmere. Two weeks have flown by and tomorrow we ship out early for London. We leave England Sunday afternoon and I'll be back in Cedar Rapids Sunday night.
So in honor of today being the last day, I climbed up Loughrigg Fell one final time. It was by far my favorite and since it's literally in my backyard, it seemed appropriate to hike again. I woke up extra early and made my way up.

The marker that means you've reached the top!
I attempted a full, 360 degree panorama, but not entirely sure if it turned out super well.

After writing for a bit, I headed into town, picked up a few final things and made my way back to Dale End. The house is in full cleaning mode to be ready to leave at 7 AM tomorrow.
Speaking of which, I should go do. I don't know how internet access will work the next couple of days, so I'll post once I've made it back to the States. Needless to say, this has been a fantastic trip; I've learned a lot and have gotten to know a lot of great people.
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