
Study Strategies

As Winter Break draws closer there is one thing left: FINALS.  Last week was our final week of classes and finals start this Wednesday through Saturday.  I've asked some friends and I made a list of the best study strategies my friends use.  We're hoping they will work for us this week while we hit the books!

  • "Special places" Find a spot that's comfortable to study so you can stay there for the long haul.  
  • Reward strategies: Commit to a length of study time and then give yourself a reward such as candy, watching a movie or hanging out with friends.  
  • Order of importance or order of finals: If you look at everything you have to do you'll get overwhelmed easily. So take it easy and order what needs to get done.  Study what finals comes first and then move on. 
  • Don't cram: it never helps.  Brain overload is more damaging than helpful.
  • Reread your notes everyday: keeps it fresh in your head and so you're less overwhelmed with information when the final rolls around.
  • SLEEP.  It's crucial.  No matter how stressed you are, staying up 'till the wee hours of the morning will not help you in the long run.  Your body can't run on only a couple of hours of sleep.  My rule is this: you're allowed one late school night a semester, a night staying up past 4:30 AM.  That's it; don't put your body or your friends through that and your moodiness/tiredness the next day.
  • Comfy clothes.  Another crucial element of good studying.  Break out those sweats and t-shirts, the hoodies and the boots.  If you feel comfy then you'll be comfortable and it will be more fun to study.  
  • Dog therapy: Coe is offering dog therapy on Reading Day (Tuesday).  A lot of my friends have a dog at home or simply love dogs so they're psyched for dog therapy.  Petting a cute, furry dog is probably a nice way to de-stress.  A dog is a man's best friend you know.
  • Cooking.  Sometimes after a long study session cooking or baking some cookies is the perfect way to relax.  And the best part is when they share! :)
  • Exercise.  It's a great way to de-stress.  I've played volleyball and ultimate frisbee this week as a way of taking a study break.  Not only is it fun, you get to hang out with your friends, and you're getting a work out in.  
  • Good music.  A must.  Find those songs that pump you up or calm you down, whatever music allows you to study at your best.  Plug in those earbuds and let the rest of the world fade away.  I find music a good way to get into the zone.  
  • Group study.  This works for some but it's not for everyone.  I like group study from time to time as a way of bouncing ideas off of each other.  But at the same time it also can be distracting because if you're studying with friends it isn't too hard to get off topic.  Balance is key.
  • Quiz your friends (and then they can quiz you!)  For some classes making notecards is the best way to study the information.  Grab a friend who also uses notecards and have a quiz session.  Spend 30 minutes quizzing them and then switch so you get a chance to study!  Heidi and I do this, I quiz her on Philosophy and she quizzes me on History of Western Civilization.  We both find this method beneficial.  
More to come! 


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm Tabetha and I am hoping to go to Coe when I graduate in 5 years. I am really looking forward to reading your blog and your tips on different things that happen in college. I think they will be really helpful. Thanks!!!!!!!!