Harry Potter Uno! :) |
Heidi and Gretchen |
As I said in my last post, my friends and I had a little Christmas party. We snagged half of the Armstrong/Douglas lobby and Heidi, Sam, and I arranged a pretty sweet set up. The night started with Rashad reading to us like little kids and then we popped in the movie Elf. Caroline had made some cookies as a way of de-stressing and we drank cocca. Ping pong games were won and lost, the boys failed at pool, intense games of Harry Potter Uno and Twister were played and overall, there was fun Christmas spirit in the air. When we first had the idea for the party we wanted to make it an ugly sweater one and some came in their sweaters. The other week, Millie, Caroline, Heidi and I had hit up Goodwill to find some ugly sweaters. Millie and I both found one so we were decked out (until Millie's got itchy, then I was the sole ugly sweater girl). A great way to spend my Saturday night before finals and Winter Break!
Sam, Krista, Tyler and Claudia |
Our epic set up! |
The girls with the ugly sweaters! Hailley and Millie! |
Hailley and Heidi |
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