
Revelation on Friday and Lots of Fun

Had a bit of a revelation today, it was quite fun.  I was sitting in my Introduction to French Literature class and realized how much I really enjoy history.  More than I can explain.  I love seeing how the events played out and the key figures who created the history we're studying.  And I think I would be silly if I didn't follow through on history; I'd be letting history down.  So I think I want to minor in History.  The best part, is that I CAN.  Because Coe is fantastic like that, I don't have to declare anything until the end of my sophomore year and even though I'm not taking a history class right now, I won't be "behind."  I can catch up.  

I also checked out another Common Hour this afternoon.  Coe will be in the process very shortly of hiring a new Library Director.  They haven't had a new director for around 20 years (and think about all that has changed in just 20 years).  Coe wants to have a vision for our library in the 21st century so faculty and students like myself talked yesterday about what that vision should be.  Again, it was a great discussion because everyone participated and added in their own input.  And the faculty really want to know what the students are thinking and so when we show up, they want to ask us a million questions.  To me, that shows that they genuinely care about us and want to make sure we are getting the most out of our education.  I was more than happy to go and share my input about one of my favorite places on campus.

The first Blindspot of the second semester happened tonight as well.  The stage was all set up for the play "Copenhagen" which will be performed next week (http://www.coe.edu/news/179/716/Tony-Award-winning-play-Copenhagen-to-be-performed-at-Coe).  There was a great platform to perform on and many lighted lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling (that was my favorite part).  I think everyone had a good time and got a few laughs out of some of the acts.

My night ended with heading to the PUB for Karaoke Night (sponsored by SAC).  Although I myself didn't sing, it was still fun to watch my friends and other Coe students belt it out.  SAC had soda and pizza as snackage and it was a fun time.  :)