
Two New Campus Jobs This Fall

Good news! Not only will I be taking new and exciting classes, enjoying all the privileges of being a sophomore, and having an all around good time, I'll be working two new jobs this semester.

  1. I'll be working in the Admissions Department!  I was hired at the end of my Freshman year and starting this fall I'll be giving tours, escorting prospective students, answering questions, and helping Admissions wherever they need it.  Needless to say but I'm pumped for this new job.  When I was on my college search process I always thought being a tour guide would be fun; it was something I really hoped to do once I chose a college.  And now that is happening.  Once school starts I will be trained and then I'll be all set to go.  Make sure to check back later this year to hear all about my new job!
  2. I will still be in the Writing Center although my responsibilities will have changed a bit.  At Coe, every First Year Seminar class is paired with a Writing Fellow.  This Writing Center consultant is responsible for helping their FYS students navigate the college paper.  All incoming freshman know at least one Writing Center consultant so when they are having difficulties or just want to check in when working on a paper, there is a consultant ready for them.  I will be a Writing Fellow for the FYS entitled Nature of Science.  This summer I've been reading the Nature of Science textbooks so I'll be ready to help my FYSers.  Again, be on the lookout for Writing Fellow updates!    
Well I'm sure these two new jobs will keep me busy but that's fine by me!  I move back to Coe in less than a month!   WOW.