
Paul Schrader Visited Coe

Does the name Paul Schrader ring any bells?  He's a film director and he visited Coe last Thursday.  I went because one, I'm an English major and Gina recommended it and two, because I enjoy film.  Leading up to Schrader's talk, the PUB showed some of his films such as "Taxi Driver" and "Affliction."  Kesler Auditorium was packed and Schrader talked about how he got where he is today, the future of the film industry, which according to him isn't going anywhere unless things change, and opened the floor for questions.

When he talked about the current film industry, he said we have too many theaters.  People in my generation aren't watching movies and eating popcorn in the theaters, we are watching things online and through other sources of media.  Schrader believes the movie industry needs to find a new way to show movies or else the movie industry is going to bust.

After an hour and a half of questions, discussion, and laughter, Schrader finished his talk.  It was nice and I liked seeing the view of the movie industry through the eyes of a film director.