Oh hello Shakespeare,
The wonderful kids of Offstage Players (known as OSP on campus) wrote down their favorite Shakespeare quotes and plastered the posters around Gage Union on Friday night. I tagged along for the fun since Alison is a member and had a good time. They were making the posters in preparation for the Shake Your Willie Dance in the PUB on Saturday night. The dance was a BLAST. PUB dances are always fun and this one was no exception. A Coe alumnae DJ-ed the event and for three hours it was a dance party. Favorite song? Probably when "The Circle of Life" (yes, the epic song from the Lion King) was played. Everyone on the dance floor circled up and we swayed back forth, singing the song as loud as we could. It was kind of fantastic. A great way to spend one of my last weekends here. And now I'll probably join OSP in the fall! :)
Here are some of the quotes we had up. Can you name the play they are from?
Hamlet |
Othello |
More Hamlet |
Winter's Tale |
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