
Another day of hiking!

What we did today was pretty typical of how our days will go. We will wake up, have some breakfast, and then take off on a hike. We were gone five hours today. Because of the amount of rain last night, which would lead to slippery rocks and washed out trails, we postponed a hike through the Sickle Tarn and instead ventured through the Mickelden Beck. It was a lovely hike, with mostly sunshine and some sprinkling on and off. Around 12:30, we stopped for lunch at an old sheep pen made of rocks. Just as we were about to leave, it started hailing, which was interesting. But it stopped and Mike, Courtney, and I trailblazed ahead of the group, making it back to Dungeon Ghyll in no time. Now we are all back (got back at 2:30) and have been journaling, reading, and writing. I'm getting use to these days and am still having a fantastic time.

Path of our treks and names compliments of The Lake District Panoramic Map 5 in our cottage. Got to put my hands on one of those.