Today was another free day and the Trailblazing Trio knew exactly what we wanted to do. On our walk from Grasmere to our house, we noticed a place on the lake called Faeryland Grasmere, a tea house and place to rent rowboats. In our guide books, it said this was the place to rent a boat so you could move around on the lake. The three of us knew we had to do it before we left. So today was the day.
We got to Faeryland Grasmere a little after ten, when it opened. The owner was there and gave us the row boat named Water Gypsy for an hour. It was a bright yellow row boat and Mike provided the manual labor so we could cruise around the lake. Since it was still pretty early in the day, there was only a fishing boat and kayak out on the lake. So we got the lake to ourselves. It was fun actually being on the water and seeing the area surrounding the lake in a new perspective.
With the boat returned, we returned to our Sunday lunch spot for today's lunch. Since it was a weekday, there were less people on the beach and near us, so it was calm and peaceful. The weather here has also been fantastic, 60s and I have finally been able to wear the shorts I brought!
Then the Trailblazing Trio split up. Courtney and I headed into town to find a cafe to read and write in while Mike stayed outside and studied under various trees and on rocks. Courtney and I went to Miller Howe Cafe, which was a nice little place. We had their freshly squeezed lemonade and I tried their tea and a slice of coffee cake.

After a while there, we headed back to the house and met up with Mike. Since it was so nice out, we returned to the lake shore once again to soak in the later afternoon rays. There is class tonight; we finished reading Dorothy Wordsworth's journal and will be discussing it tonight. Tomorrow we will get our seven day bus pass and head north to see some sights up there.
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