Today was a free day and in a perfect world, the Trailblazing Trio would have liked to conquer both Alcock Tarn and Easedale Tarn. But, we are human and we need our sleep, so we got a little bit of a late start. It was a bright and sunny day; we have been so lucky with weather this week. The route we took was familiar and new. We walked east down the road a little bit, went downhill to the lakeshore, then on a path that winds to the road leading to Grasmere. Right before you get to Grasmere, Dove Cottage is off to your right and if you head that way, there's a road that will lead you to a path to get to Alcock Tarn. We had seen this path when we ventured to Rydal Mont earlier this week so I knew where we were going.
Alocock Tarn was not quite as easy as I thought it was going to be. It had a steady incline the entire way up and after riding the bus the past few days, my legs weren't quite prepared. I made it up there and although a smaller tarn than ones already seen, it was probably my favorite tarn. Mike, Courtney, and I sort of had the tarn to ourselves. We ate lunch and just soaked in the nice weather. The view from up there was pretty incredible, but at this point, a good view I expect.

It was time to get off the beaten path and EXPLORE. Courtney was looking for a spot on the map that corresponded with a Wordsworth poem we had read earlier this week. In the process of attempting to find it, we found some giant rocks instead.

And we climbed them. This is where I learned I should not be a rock climber for a living. Now, don't worry, I didn't get hurt, I just lagged way behind Mike and Courtney. There they were, scaling these rocks like it was there job and there I was, far behind, careful of every move I made up the rocks. I've had two unfortunate incidents involving me slipping and mud and it's made me leery of going too fast. It would be just my luck to slip on those rocks. So I took my time. Lots of fun but not a career path.
Anyways, we climbed rocks. Ended up back in Grasmere and went to a few shops to pick up some things. Then it was back to Dale End. Although not for long as Mike and I headed to the lake. We sat under a tree and got some reading done, trying to enjoy the weather and be productive at the same time. We wandered back just in time for dinner.
Tomorrow will be an early day since there is a waterfall north of us that is a must see. It's accessible by bus but this bus only operates on the weekend. Tomorrow is our chance! On Sunday the Trailblazing Trio will head to Keswick and then...well, you'll have to check back to see what I'm up to!
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