As promised, my adventures that have gone unsaid since finals took over my life!
- Publication Release. All three of our literary publications (The Coe Review, the Pearl, and Colere) had a release celebration on Reading Day. Since I am involved with two (Coe Review and Pearl) I was in charge of the event. It went very smoothly and all three publications turned out fantastically. If you want to check out the Coe Review, you can view our online edition at our new website! Here's a photo taken at the release by my good friend, Haley. There were also prizes given out at this release and I won one of the Young Essay prizes for a piece I wrote last semester for Dr. Bob. Pretty cool, right?
- Also on Friday, I was on a panel to talk to sophomores in high school about Coe. It was a lot of fun and although they didn't always seem interested (you know, thinking about college as a sophomore isn't "cool"), I enjoyed being able to share my Coe experience with them!
- Last Sunday one of the math professors on campus, Jon White, was holding a brunch at his house for any student interested. Since my friend Alison W. is a physics and math major, she invited me to come along. Such a good choice. Delicious food and great company. People were glad to see me there, since I am an English major and all. Hahaha :)
- I played for my fourth clarinet jury. It went very well and was much less stressful; I guess once you perform in Recital Hour, juries are not as big as a deal as they were before.
- Our retiring poetry professor, Ann Struthers, had a poetry reading on Tuesday. Lots of people came out and my favorite part of the reading was when she showed a picture of Lake Grasmere, where I'll be in a matter of weeks. Got me really pumped.
- Helped friends pack. Definitely bittersweet. Glad that they are going home but sad they are leaving.
- Had lunch with Gordon Mennenga (Coe Review advisor), Whitney, and Emily W. We discussed Coe Review things. We are really working on making the magazine more well-known to attract even more submissions. With our website and the work Whitney and I will do over the summer while on campus, we hope to really get the Coe Review running next semester.
- Still packing for England. We had a class meeting right before finals and another one tomorrow. My parents even came down on Thursday to help me get some final things. I AM LEAVING TUESDAY.

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