So first off, this is where I've been living for the past week:

Courtney and I are staying in the master bedroom, which looks like this:

We even have our own bathroom! Winning.
My favorite room in the house is the sunroom:

Okay, maybe that isn't the best shot, but you get the idea. I really like it here.
My daily schedule is this. I wake up anytime between 6:30 AM and 7:30 AM depending on how tired I am, what my body decides is a good time to wake up, and if my alarm is annoying enough to pull me out of bed. Today, my body said, "Yes Hailley, 6:40 AM is an excellent time to wake up even though you had a long day yesterday and went to bed at midnight. Oh sleep schedules.
Anyways, once I wake up, I get ready and then have breakfast. Mike, Courtney, and I bought bread and strawberry jam, so I have a delicious piece of toast. Post breakfast, I make lunches for Mike, Courtney, and I (I'm usually the first one up so this makes sense). Lunch consists of a ham and cheese sandwich (plus the past two days spinach) with an apple and carrots. Today, lunch looked like this:

Yum! Then I read, write, and journal until it's time to go. Right before we leave, I pack my backpack. This is a pretty standard packing list:

Water bottle, map of the area, small notebook, camera, spork, and a Leatherman. Then I'm ready for whatever hiking adventures await me!
Well, we have a class meeting soon so I'll be off. Another post later today!
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