Day two of our fabulous bus pass. We used it to get up to Keswick once again. But instead of taking it into the city, we instead got off early to check out Castlerigg, a stone circle built 4500 years ago. While it's no Stonehenge, it was still pretty neat.

It was then only about a mile to Keswick. There was a market going on at the time so we got the late-morning and early afternoon to check out the market and then the Trailblazing Trio had lunch on the lake in Keswick, Derwent Waters for lunch. Although a little foggy walking to the bus this morning, it turned out to be a beautiful, sunny, day.

The whole group was reunited and it was off to another Booths for our final large grocery shopping run. With the quarter of a mile in mind, we kept our purchases small. After a little waiting, it was back on a bus to take us to Grasmere. The walk to Dale End with groceries wasn't nearly as bad as our first walk home, which was nice.
Mike and I then took off for our own adventure once the groceries were put away safe and sound. Mike has been working on a top secret project, which I won't say anything about other than check his blog ( for all the information and unveiling. But the point of this comment was that he needed supplies and therefore, the two of us walked to Ambleside (we just love walking there!) It was a nice walk, Mike found what he was looking for and then we took a bus back to Gramere for dinner. The best part of the bus was that it was a double decker with an open top second story. Needless to say, Mike and I sat up there. Nice ride back.
Dinner was made tonight by the two guests who have been staying with Dr. Bob and his wife, Margie, the past couple of days. Annette and Cheryl are high school classmates and friends of Margie. They were visiting the Lake District and made part of their trip hanging out and catching up with Dr. Bob and Margie. They have been wonderful dinner company and so it was their turn to cook. And they did not disappoint; they even had a dessert. We had class following this delicious meal and now I'm in the study working on class work and writing. It ended up being a full day. Tomorrow is a free day so the Trailblazing Trio will be out on the trail once again, tackling two tarns. Stay tuned.
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