So this was the view out my window this morning. Good sign because we were attempting our toughest and highest elevation hike today.
We left the cottage earlier than usual to give ourselves more time to make our climb. Our direction today was northwest, back to Dungeon Ghyll. From there, we walked up a very steep and rocky incline along Stickle Ghyll to Stickle Tarn. Courtney and I made the trek up together, giving each other support when needed. Reaching the tarn, which is basically a lake on a plateau, was one of the most rewarding and euphoric moments I've had in a while. The rest of the group arrived, we ate lunch near the tarn, and then Dr. Bob gave us a few options. We could either stay and enjoy the tarn or attempt to summit one of the peaks, of which there were three: Pavey Ark, Harrison Stickle, and Pike of Stickle. While Mike and Sam chose to climb Pavey Ark via Jack's Rake, aka the climb of death (for Courtney and I). Us girls chose the "easier route" which was more hills...yeah.
But we made it. Again, it was good moment. Met a little hale up there, the second time on this trip. Which seems really out of place if you ask me but apparently this area is seeing a very cold May this year. Once you get up to Pavey Ark, Harrison Stickle and Pike of Stickle are pretty easy to get to; they are all about the same elevation. So Mike, Sam, Courtney, and I made our way over to Harrison Stickle. Met a lovely couple on the way who helped us make the climb. We then ventured back down to the tarn. Unfortunately, due to some miscommunication, two of our group members were missing for part of the afternoon. Our plans were rearranged, yet I was still in charge of making dinner. We ate Coke-a-cola chicken, corn, and mashed potatoes. It was delicious. This meal solidified my nickname of "Mom" on this trip.

All the pans on the stovetop.

The chicken.

Just boiling some potatoes.


Me being a boss in the kitchen :)
Better head to bed for another day tomorrow!!
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