Music at Coe: Hailley's First Semester Clarinet Experience
Reflections on First Semester
First semester was fantastic. I had great classes, great professors, and overall a great experience. First semester showed me over and over and over again why Coe was the right choice and the perfect fit for me. I know some of the friends I made this semester will be friends for life and that's such an amazing feeling. Instead of trying to organize and spell out the highlights of the semester, I'm just going to make a top fourteen (because remember I'm part of the 2014 graduating class) list. Enjoy! :)
My list, in no particular order because that would be too challenging (and probably too many ties!)
- Being asked to write a blog for Coe
- Trip to Baltimore
- Having fantastic roommates!
- Christmas party
- Reading Buddies
- Excursions off campus: bowling, ice skating, baseball game, shopping, museums, dragon boat racing
- Activities on campus: Blindspot and Common Hour
- Spending lots of time in the library (especially on second floor, long tables!)
- First year portfolio
- Movie nights
- Making new friends and meeting new people at Coe
- Becoming part of the Coe community
- My first clarinet jury (more on that soon!)
- Work study at the "U" (aka the caf)
It's All Greek to Me: Sororities and Fraternities at Coe
Like many other colleges, Coe does support a Greek life. Although I am not part of a sorority, I have friends who are. Coe maintains three sororities and five fraternities.
Sororities: Tri Delta, Alpha Sigma Alpha, and Alpha Omicron Pi
Fraternities: Tau Kappa Epsilon, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Nu, Phi Kappa Tau, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Each group has their own wing in Voorhees and Greene, respectively. Sororities have a formal recruitment process while the fraternities are much more causal and laid back in their recruitment.
The sororities at Coe conduct a formal rush process. There is a small fee to rush and for one weekend, girls move from sorority party to sorority party meeting the girls and discussing each sorority and their philanthropy. An interesting aspect of rush is that some girls rush simply to meet people. A few of my friends rushed simply for the experience and they did meet a lot of great girls. The parties are a way for the sorority to get to know all the girls who are rushing and decide who is a good fit for their sorority. Rush is a three day process (usually a Thursday, Friday, Sunday deal) with Thursday being very informal. The parties on Friday are a bit more formal and it's still a getting to know you and the sorority sort of party. Finally, on Sunday there are preference parties. These parties are by invitation and so on Saturday, girls who rushed fill out cards that say what preference parties they would prefer to attend and the sororities fill out cards with what girls they'd like to attend their party. The preference parties are very formal, like Homecoming dress attire, and are held off campus (transportation is provided). After the preference parties, each girl that rushed fills out a card saying what sorority they would like to join. If the sorority they requested also requested them, it's a match. The final part of the rush process is the running of the stairs. The new members are called out, given a sorority t-shirt and run down the main Voorhees stairs into the arms of their new sisters. It's a very loud and exciting ordeal and lots of sisters lose their voices from screaming so loud!
And that's kind of all I know about Coe Greek life; they do a lot for both their philanthropy and Coe. I thought it would be nice to describe a bit about Greek life so prospective students can get a feel for what it's all about. If you have any more questions, let me know and I can ask my friends who are a part of Greek life and get your question answered. Oh and much thanks goes to my friend Briana Fischer who gave me lots of information on the rush experience!
Merry Christmas!
Hey gang!
Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, hope everyone is enjoying today. Also wanted to give a quick update on upcoming blog posts. I'd originally thought that with all my free time over break I'd be able to crank out multiple blog posts. But I've been really busy this past week with catching up with friends, family, and old teachers, reading books (just for fun!), sleeping in, baking and much more. So the next week, expect blog posts, I promise.
To all my Coe friends, I miss you bunch and can't wait to hear about your breaks! To everyone else, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and thanks for taking the time to read my blog, I get a lot of enjoyment writing it and I hope you get enjoyment out of reading it.
Bye Sabrina! We Will Miss You!
On Friday when I left for home, it was the last time I saw my roommate Sabrina. If you remember, Sabrina is a foreign exchange student from Germany and their program to Coe only lasts one semester. She flew out of Cedar Rapids today to New York and then she returns to Germany like the 23rd or 24th of December (just in time for Christmas). Heidi and I are really sad to see her go because she's been a fantastic roommate. Having a foreign exchange roommate is a great experience: I encourage you to have one if you have the opportunity. Heidi and I learned a lot about German culture and college life as well as some German words. It was interesting to compare things between Germany and the United States (you can learn some interesting things).
Well yesterday I had my last two finals (which went splendidly by the way). My first semester at Coe is officially over. It feels great and I can't wait for the next semester. After I explained the foundations of Western Civilization, I headed back to Murray to finish packing, said goodbye to my friends and the campus and headed back to Wisconsin. There is a lot more snow here than at Coe which was definitely a shock. But it's nice to be home.
I'll be home for three weeks and I will keep posting so make sure to check back. I'm planning on putting up some reflections on my first semester of college and also some informative things on different aspects of Coe. It's going to be great!
Happy Holidays! :)
Finals Update
Well, it's day two of finals. I turned in a paper for my FYS yesterday (it was about the failure of macroeconomics) and today I had my African American Literature final. Now I'm in the process of packing and studying for my French and History of Western Civilization exams which are tomorrow. French is bright and early at 8 AM and History is right after at 11 AM. And then I'm home free for three weeks! Wow, first semester is almost done!! Well just wanted to check in, more later when I'm not busy studying!
Reading Day
Yesterday was our last day of classes for the first semester. It's kind of hard to believe one semester has already flown by. Today is "Reading Day." There are no classes and the goal of the day is to get some good studying in. The campus is quiet and peaceful and the library is full of students. I started my day off with breakfast in the caf and then I hit the library bright and early. Because you know the early bird gets the worm. Studied for a good three hours and then took a study break for lunch. Then back to the library. Hoping to take another study break to play some volleyball with my friend Krista and then dinner. After dinner more studying will be done before going to bed early to make sure I'm all rested for the week ahead. Tomorrow I have a paper due, then on Thursday I have one final and then on Friday I have my last two finals. Then the semester is officially over! Wow!!
Well, got to get back to the books. More later! :)
Study Strategies
As Winter Break draws closer there is one thing left: FINALS. Last week was our final week of classes and finals start this Wednesday through Saturday. I've asked some friends and I made a list of the best study strategies my friends use. We're hoping they will work for us this week while we hit the books!
- "Special places" Find a spot that's comfortable to study so you can stay there for the long haul.
- Reward strategies: Commit to a length of study time and then give yourself a reward such as candy, watching a movie or hanging out with friends.
- Order of importance or order of finals: If you look at everything you have to do you'll get overwhelmed easily. So take it easy and order what needs to get done. Study what finals comes first and then move on.
- Don't cram: it never helps. Brain overload is more damaging than helpful.
- Reread your notes everyday: keeps it fresh in your head and so you're less overwhelmed with information when the final rolls around.
- SLEEP. It's crucial. No matter how stressed you are, staying up 'till the wee hours of the morning will not help you in the long run. Your body can't run on only a couple of hours of sleep. My rule is this: you're allowed one late school night a semester, a night staying up past 4:30 AM. That's it; don't put your body or your friends through that and your moodiness/tiredness the next day.
- Comfy clothes. Another crucial element of good studying. Break out those sweats and t-shirts, the hoodies and the boots. If you feel comfy then you'll be comfortable and it will be more fun to study.
- Dog therapy: Coe is offering dog therapy on Reading Day (Tuesday). A lot of my friends have a dog at home or simply love dogs so they're psyched for dog therapy. Petting a cute, furry dog is probably a nice way to de-stress. A dog is a man's best friend you know.
- Cooking. Sometimes after a long study session cooking or baking some cookies is the perfect way to relax. And the best part is when they share! :)
- Exercise. It's a great way to de-stress. I've played volleyball and ultimate frisbee this week as a way of taking a study break. Not only is it fun, you get to hang out with your friends, and you're getting a work out in.
- Good music. A must. Find those songs that pump you up or calm you down, whatever music allows you to study at your best. Plug in those earbuds and let the rest of the world fade away. I find music a good way to get into the zone.
- Group study. This works for some but it's not for everyone. I like group study from time to time as a way of bouncing ideas off of each other. But at the same time it also can be distracting because if you're studying with friends it isn't too hard to get off topic. Balance is key.
- Quiz your friends (and then they can quiz you!) For some classes making notecards is the best way to study the information. Grab a friend who also uses notecards and have a quiz session. Spend 30 minutes quizzing them and then switch so you get a chance to study! Heidi and I do this, I quiz her on Philosophy and she quizzes me on History of Western Civilization. We both find this method beneficial.
Gingerbread House Making: Writing Center Style
Every Monday night from 6-7 P.M. the Writing Center staff piles into the Lynch room (right off from the "U") for our weekly staff meeting. We talk about a lot of different things and we always review the week ahead. This week's meeting was a Christmas special one. The night started off with a gift exchange and then led to a gingerbread house contest. I was in a group with Heidi, Haley, Courtney, Alison and Karin. We made a SWEET house if I do say so myself. We didn't win but we came close and we had a lot of fun.
House under construction |
Made with love! |
Heidi, Courtney, Haley, Karin, and Alison |
Ugly Sweater Christmas Party :)
Harry Potter Uno! :) |
Heidi and Gretchen |
'Twas the Night Before Christmas Reading
On Saturday night, my friends and I decided to have a study break and get into the holiday spirit. Our night began with our buddy Rashad reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. It was pretty fun and I even caught it on tape: enjoy! :)
Three Sisters, So Much More than Cast Mates
Last night Heidi and I attended Three Sisters. It was a pretty packed house which was fabulous for a Thursday night performance. We were somehow placed in the nosebleed section of Dows, top row on the second level. At first we thought this would be problematic because we were so high up. But as the play went on we actually discovered this wasn't a bad spot: we had lots of leg room and could make commentary if needed because there was no one around us. And some commentary was necessary because we knew pretty much everyone in the play (this point pretty much emphasizes how awesome the Coe community is).
So as Alison warned me, the play was long. Along with two intermissions the play lasted a good three and a half hours. But it was unique. Chekhov had a lot of narration, sometimes people are just describing events but not really having any dialogue. Also, every character had multiple Russian names which confused me from time to time. There was no rhyme or reason to when each name was used so that got complicated. And sometimes the action was really slow, the characters would just talk and talk. But I figure that's part of Chekhov's charm.
The strongest part of the play was its cast. Even if Alison wouldn't have told me her favorite part was becoming close with the cast, I could still tell the cast was close. You could tell everyone wanted to be in the play and everyone got along well. The dynamic between all the characters was fantastic; the three sisters acted like real sisters which really enhanced the play. Their relationships seemed real which made the play more interesting and more entertaining to watch.
Heidi and I also just loved the play because we knew a lot of the people in it. It was composed of people from the Writing Center, mutual friends or just people we see around campus all the time. We were entertained last night and also knew we were supporting our friends. Great feeling.
Additions to the Blog, Evaluation, and Suggestions
You might have noticed I've been playing around with the blog features. I'd like to highlight an addition I've made. The big additions are pages (which are located on the left hand side of the blog below the picture of myself). Pages are stand alone posts pretty much that don't appear in the blog reel. I'm still working on some pages but my hope is that these pages will be a mixture of fun and interesting information. The two pages that are up as I'm writing this post are "Books Read" and "Movies Watched." I thought it would be a fun way to document what I've done and seen while I've been at Coe. I'm also working on a few other pages but I won't spoil the surprise.
I'm also looking for suggestions. Because it's the end of semester I'm filling out evaluations for every class I'm in. So I decided to conduct an evaluation for my blog. Do you have any things you'd like to see in the future or anything you'd like to learn? What do you like about the blog, what keeps you coming back? Are there features that I should do away with or should I just keep adding to what I've got?
Let me know, I believe (fingers crossed) I've got comments enables so post a comment, I'd love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for reading!!
Interview with Olga, I mean Alison Polivka about Three Sisters
Video of the Week: Liquidity Trap
So with finals approaching, I'm a little short on time. But I don't want to let my audience down and not post a video. I've decided to show you a project I made for my FYS; we had to make a whiteboard presentation with a partner about a economics concept that is related to the current recession. We were suppose to present it in a clear way so that anyone could understand the concept. My video was on the Liquidity Trap and I made the video with Austin. Enjoy and I hope you understand what the Liquidity Trap is after it!
First Snow at Coe!
Lace Up Those Skates and Hit the Ice
With winter in the air and Christmas just around the corner what would be a better way to spend my Friday than going ice skating? SAC hosted free ice skating at the Cedar Rapids Ice Arena. This was my second trip to the arena because for Orientation week we also got the opportunity to ice skate. I had so much fun the first time I wasn't sure if this trip could top it or not.
Heidi and I |
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Tyler and Daken |
Claudia, Haley and Heidi |
A Stimulating Intellectual Conversation....aka Common Hour
Heidi and I had an adventure today; we attended Coe's Common Hour for the first time. What is Common Hour you may ask? Well according to Terry McNabb, who is in charge of Common Hour it's
" Common Hour is meant to bring faculty, students and staff together to learn about issues of common interest to all members of the campus community."
Today's topic was about academic rigor and culture at Coe. Heidi and I sat at a table with a sophomore at Coe, three faculty members and one administrator. Our question we were suppose to discuss was
"Where else on campus, besides in the classrooms, does academic rigor 'live'? How are academic expectations communicated by other members of the college community? How can members of the campus community support each other in their attempts to be rigorous?"
Caf Creation
All right, so here's the video of the week. I've entitled this series "Caf Creations" and I hope over the next few months, you'll get to meet a lot of my friends showing you how they spice up the food they see everyday at the caf. First up is Krista and she's here to show you the industrial easy bake oven the caf owns. Enjoy! :)
Learning to Read...The Joys of Service Learning
Well it's snowing in Cedar Rapids and the first snow parallels what I was doing this morning. Part of my first year experience requires me to volunteer 20 hours at a site of my choice. I chose Garfield Elementary School, just a ten minute drive from Coe. I volunteer every Thursday and I usually read books to kindergardeners. They are so adorable, exciting and full of life. I've read some great books to them so far, my all time favorite is Fancy Nancy. But today I did something a bit different; the kids read to me. They've gotten to the point where they know their alphabet and know small words. The books they read to me were short and often rhymed, but it was exciting. All the kids I worked with wanted to read to me, they were excited to show me what they knew. To see them pushing through the words, making sentences, understanding that each letter has a sound, it was mind blowing. We take reading as a simple thing but at one point we were at that stage, sounding words outs and feeling the accomplishment of figuring out that "tricky" word. And none of them gave up. I might have given them some helpful hints along the way but in the end, it was all their work. I was so proud of them. And I'm so glad I chose Garfield as my service site. I've accomplished the goal the Service Learning Program gives each first year student: find a place where you can be passionate about what you're doing. Because then the service doesn't really seem like service at all; it's just something you love to do.
Thanksgiving Break Discovery
Happy Happy Thanksgiving!
When the turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie come out, everyone knows it's time for Thanksgiving. Today is my last day at Coe because our break starts today. I leave this afternoon and come back on Sunday night. Heidi and I were talking and we decided on this: we are really psyched for Thanksgiving Break. We know we will have fantastic times with our family: catching up, hanging out, and eating wonderful home cooked food. But at the same time, we will dearly miss Coe. Because at Coe we see our friends everyday: walk to class with them, hang out with them, eat dinner with them. And so for about the next six days, that won't occur. We'll all miss each other and serious catching up will need to be done when we return. So Heidi and I have discovered we are an integral part of the Coe community and that feels great. It's a beautiful situation we find ourselves in.
Have a great Thursday everyone!
A Crazy Week...Preparing My First Year Portfolio
This week has been a crazy one for me. To start off, I had my first college research paper due today (Friday) for my FYS class. The paper was on the 2008 Recession: how we got there, what happened once we got there, and why did it even happen in the first place. I actually really enjoyed writing this paper (don't tell my classmates that, they weren't crazy about writing it!) and I felt it was a nice way to show my professor everything I've learned the past three months. I now have a pretty good grasp on the crisis, the players involved, the gravity of this crisis as compared to recessions in the US' history, and the multitude of problems it created. My paper, complete with three graphs, ended up being 12 pages so I spent a lot of my time this week revising and strengthening the paper. At the same time as I was becoming very comfortable with the crisis, I was also preparing my First Year Portfolio.
Every first year has to make a portfolio; you include at least two FYS papers and then you could also include another paper you've written this year at Coe if you'd like. The other part of this portfolio is a preface. It's a reflection on your college writing experience so far at Coe and reflections on the two (or more) papers you've included. You talk about your writing process in creating these papers, challenges you faced and triumphs you had. You print two copies of your portfolios and one copy goes to a professor in your FYS area of study (for example, one of my portfolios will go to an economy teacher) and the other portfolio will go to another FYS professor. Each professor will read my papers and give me a score from 1-6 along with feedback and comments. The portfolios are a way for me, my FYS professor, and Coe to see how am I doing with college style writing. So I finished my portfolio and research paper last night and turned them in today. It feels REALLY GOOD. Now I've got a nice weekend to relax and catch up on everything I had to put on hold while I worked on the paper and portfolio. Then I've got Monday and Tuesday at Coe and then Tuesday afternoon, I'm going back to Mt. Horeb for Thanksgiving Break! Whoo!
Labels: freshman experience, writing skills
Slight Delay for Movie of the Week
Hey guys!
Okay so here's the deal: I'm working REALLY hard to get a movie up here soon but I don't know if it will be this week. I have been really busy preparing a research paper and a First Year Portfolio (see next post) so I've been spending an enormous amount of time at the library writing and revising. So I apologize for the delay but I promise a movie will be up here soon! The movie I'm working on is called "Caf Creations" because sometimes the cafeteria food needs to be a little jazzed up and I (or my friends) will show you how to do it!
Labels: question of the week
Car Jumping 101...Friday Night Adventure
Another exciting Friday night for me at Coe College. First off, it was a little rainy which was fine but also sad because even though buildings aren't very far apart, it's still a pain in the butt to walk in the rain, even with a raincoat. But anyways, my friends and I decided to go on a little Target run and grab a few things that would sustain us until Thanksgiving break. We head to my friend Haley's car and we get in. Haley sticks the key in, turns it...no go. Battery dead. Problem.
So we head back to Murray, our Target plans dashed. As we are sitting in Murray we are running through our lists of friends trying to decide what friend would know how to jump a car because none of us know how to and don't have jumper cables (because we don't have cars). We finally figure out what friend would mostly likely have jumper cables and the knowledge of car jumping: Briana. So we call her up and then Haley and I head back to the parking lot. Here's what I learned about jumping a car: red and black cables which correspond to the positive and negative of the battery. Hook them up, starting with the car that actually runs and then the car with the dead battery. Let some of the juice flow from one to the other and then test it out. To take the cables off, you just do the reverse of what you did before. And volia! The car no longer has a dead battery.
After that adventure, my friends and I went to our fourth Blindspot of the year! Yipee! My favorite part of this Blindspot was a five minute dance party at the end of Blindspot; I'm hoping it becomes a tradition!! After Blindspot was Midnight Bowling at a bowling alley north of Coe. Bowling was totally free, Coe's Student Activity Council sponsored it. This council, known as SAC sponsors something every week for Coe students to do. Sometimes there are midnight movies, ice skating, bowling, board games, pumpkin carving, comedians, musicians, etc. So Midnight bowling ROCKED. Got a 118 on my first game, so I was feeling pretty proud of myself! :)
And yep...that was my Friday Night Adventure.
Labels: activities off campus, bowling, random fun
A Trip to Baltimore!
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Capitol |
Hey everyone!
Coe College Writing Center (not all of us, just the 35 of us who went) |
The harbor |
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Me at the Capitol |
Some Writing Center consultants shopping it up |
Labels: activities off campus, balitmore, writing center
Question of the Week
So here is the question: how does one release all that stress that us college students face? Answer: CLARK RACQUET CENTER. The video this week shows my friend Krista showing you the fabulousness of the racquet center. Just a bit a history for those followers who like their history, the Clark Racquet Center was built 1989 and was funded with the help of K. Raymond Clark. Enjoy!
Labels: question of the week, racquet center
Blindspot Footag
So it's the Friday night.
Before Halloween.
Everyone is pretty psyched.
And to make the Friday night even better, it was time for a Blindspot.
Labels: activities on campus, blindspot
Question of the Week
Hey everyone!
I'm so sorry that my question of the week has been delayed so long; I've been extremely busy keeping up with school work, mid terms were last week and along with studying for them I also had a few papers to write. So now I'm back in the swing of things and hope to have movies more frequently. The question of the week is how do I get mail at Coe? Well, we have mailboxes, as I am going to explain in my video. You get your mailbox or GMU box for four years. In this nifty mailbox you can receive mail from friends and family and also mail from other Coe students and Coe staff. They're pretty cool and since they are located right near the cafeteria, they are easy to check. Enjoy!
Labels: question of the week
Cirque de Coeil : HOMECOMING 2010
Our Homecoming Dance group! |
My friends and I enjoying the football game! |
There are other Homecoming festivities that I didn't discuss because I didn't have a chance to go to them. There was a Powderpuff Tournament (girls playing football) and boys' volleyball tournament for the athletes and Homecoming Follies for those who would like to showcase a talent of theirs. I hope that next year I'll get to check out more of the Homecoming events but for my first year, I had a great time!
Labels: homecoming
Marv Levy: Outlier and FYS Speaker
The reason I'm bringing up Outliers is because every year the FYS committee tries to bring in a speaker that relates to the book. In prior years the actual author of the book has come in and if the author isn't able to make it, Coe tries to chose someone who embodies the theme of the book. This year our speaker was Marv Levy, popularly known as the Buffalo Bills coach from 1986-1997. Levy is a Coe alumni and also coached football at Coe at the beginning of his career. Since it was Homecoming week it was a perfect time for Levy to be on campus and talk to us first years!
He was a great speaker. Levy told a lot of jokes and made us feel at ease. He talked about his career and related his speech back to Gladwell's message of success. The quote Levy kept saying rang true to me was this: Where else would you rather be than right here, right now. And it's true, enjoy the moment you're living in right now. At the end of his speech he gave us a few words of wisdom and here is just a few of his words o'wisdom: idealism, being a friend and having friends that are trustworthy and patience. I left the speech feeling energized and inspired.
Labels: freshman experience
Issue Dinner: Freshman Experience
So every incoming freshman has certain requirements and activities they need to do, it's all a part of the Coe experience. I got to check one of these items off this week when I attended my Issue Dinner. An Issue Dinner is where Coe brings a speaker in and instead of eating in the cafeteria, we eat in the Lynch Room (located right next to the cafeteria) and listen to the speaker. After the speaker is done, we discuss the issues the speaker brought up with our table mates. For my Issue Dinner, I listened to Momodu Kamava an African refugee. He shared his experience in Sierra Leone and his journey with his family to the United States. A few weeks ago, Momodu became an official US citizen and he shared his excitement with us. The biggest thing he stressed with citizenship is our right to vote; he told us how we take our right to vote very much for granted. We think our one little vote won't make a difference but Momodu tried to tell us that our vote does make a difference because a lot of little votes add up to one very big change. He was so excited to vote, he couldn't help from screaming his happiness to us. Momodu hopes to go back to Sierra Leone because he wants to make a difference and feels his experiences and time spent living in the US will help him do that. He is already trying to make a difference while he is still in the US by starting his own book collection. One of the biggest problems in Sierra Leone is illiteracy and Momodu is gathering used books and sending them to Sierra Leone as a way to try to begin to tackle this problem. Overall I thought he was a wonderful speaker. I learned more about Sierra Leone and how difficult it was for their citizens to escape to the US while their civil war raged on. I loved Momodu's spirit, he was full of life and optimism for the future. He was strong in his beliefs and I believe he will end up back in Sierra Leone, ready to make a difference.
Labels: freshman experience, issue dinner